This week, Justin talks about one of the OG comedy Twitter bots, the Joking Computer! Then, things get a little…
This week, Justin puts the Zesty Hat right on his own head and tells us a little bit about the…
This week, we are joined by the lovely, enlightening Janelle Shane of, known for her hilarious, endearing, and creative…
This week, Allison and Justin are entirely on the same page seasonally! Allison talks about some fun, festive Halloween content…
Justin and Allison have created their very own, very first Twitter bot! OTPbot serves up the hottest OTPs in the…
The Songularity is upon us! Allison tells Justin about the new project from Botnik Studios – a pop album by…
This week, Allison brings some fun graphic tools to the table – the Visual Chatbot and Text to Image! Then,…
Allison brings a new blog for amusing RNN content to the table this week and reads some neural net generated…
If you don’t like This neural net You haven’t heard Our podcast yet Burma Shave This week, Allison highlights a…
For her Zesty Hat, Allison has three new Twitter bots, ranging from a zen aquarium to an interactive game. Then…